Quarantine and Biosecurity Consultancy

Biosecurity is an increasingly important consideration in global shipping. Particularly with very large modularised and heavy lift cargo that needs to go straight to site, it is essential that clearance through quarantine authorities on arrival is carefully planned and considered well ahead of time. Some countries such as Australia, can order re-export of cargo deemed to be contaminated at the client’s expense.

Depth Logistics are the leaders in Biosecurity Management Consultancy worldwide. Our team is comprised of former quarantine officers and logistics professionals that have many years of experience helping shippers successfully achieve compliance.

The depth of experience we have in the field is without peer.

The key services we can provide you are:

  • Biosecurity Management Plans
  • Pre-shipment Cleanliness Inspections
  • Pre-shipment Washing, Treatment and Shrink Wrapping
  • Australian Quarantine Clearance
  • Quarantine Approved Premise Applications, Training and Audits
  • Ship and Vessel Inspections
  • Cargo Fumigation

Biosecurity Management Plans

Particularly with very large modularised and heavy lift cargo that needs to go straight to site, it is vital that clearance through quarantine authorities on arrival is carefully planned and considered well ahead of time. A Biosecurity Management Plan (BMP) is essential for all stakeholders.

Depth Logistics can work with your team to create and implement a BMP while minimising the commercial impact on your operations as much as possible.

The first step is for us to undertake a biosecurity audit to identify the facility’s compliance status.

Following the audit, we compile a detailed Biosecurity Management Plan for the client to address any biosecurity issues we find. We also liaise with local government quarantine authorities to ensure they are kept well advised of measures taken by the shipper to comply with their requirements. This ensures that any equipment being supplied into a project should comply with strict quarantine requirements on arrival.

Depth Logistics also assist with the implementation and execution of the Biosecurity Management Plan and can provide training of personnel. We also undertake pre-shipment inspections of the cargo and ship to minimise biosecurity risks.

Our Biosecurity Management Plans have been recognised by shippers, manufacturers and quarantine authorities alike as setting the benchmark in this field of biosecurity consultancy.

Pre-shipment Cleanliness Inspections

Some country’s quarantine authorities, such the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment (DAWE) in Australia, have the power to order re-export of cargo they deem too dirty for entry at the shipper’s expense.

To safeguard our clients from such a quarantine order, Depth Logistics offers a cost effective pre-shipment cleanliness inspection service to our clients.

At short notice, our biosecurity team can travel anywhere in the world to inspect and assist with washing cargo to standards that ensure there is no threat of a re-export order.

Pre-shipment Washing, Treatment and Shrink Wrapping

Depth Logistics has network of contractors globally to provide a comprehensive range of quarantine related cargo preparation services.

These include:

  • Washing cargo to Australian, New Zealand and USA standards
  • Fumigation
  • Shrink wrapping to prevent re-contamination
  • Cargo dismantling
  • Container packing


Australian Quarantine Clearance

Quarantine authorities can order that imported cargo undergo further washing or treatment such as fumigation on arrival.

Depth Logistics has network of reliable contractors and Quarantine Approved Premises who promptly attend to your cargo so it will be released by Quarantine with minimal delays.

Quarantine Approved Premise Applications, Training and Audits

The team at Depth Logistics have tremendous experience with owning and operating Quarantine Approved Premises (QAP). This experience allows us to help clients obtain Quarantine approval for their own premises and maintain operations at the required standards.

We handle everything for you, from the application process through to training your team in quarantine compliance, awareness and even training on washing cargo to meet the rigorous standards required.

Depth Logistics can also handle audits of the facility to ensure that it’s operations comply with all QAP conditions.

Ship and Vessel Inspections

Cargo compliance is one aspect, however if the ship carrying your cargo is contaminated with some form of biosecurity risk material from a previous voyage, then your cargo could be cross contaminated or the discharge of the cargo could be delayed.

All arriving vessels are subject to strict Customs and Quarantine inspections and controls.

To minimise these risks, Depth Logistics can provide vessel inspection services.

BMSB Status

The brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB) is native to East Asia but is now established in many other regions such as Europe and North America as well. They are known to cause severe damage to fruit and vegetable crops. As a result, authorities in Australia and New Zealand have added biosecurity enforcement measures to prevent further spread of the BMSB to Oceania.

Depth Logistics works hard to support clients with compliance on BMSB measures and treatments and keep them advised on any changes.

A full overview of details concerning BMSB rules can be found on the following websites:

Australian requirements:


New Zealand requirements:


We encourage all clients to familiarise themselves with the applicable rules and take the chance to emphasise that the responsibility of quarantine compliance rests with the shipper. If you have any questions, please contact us for assistance.

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