Customs Clearance 24/7

Depth Logistics can arrange customs clearance of your cargo via our independent licensed customs brokers who are working 24HRS professionally arranging customs clearance of any type of cargo anywhere in the world while minimising your import duty and taxes within the law.

Our customs clearance arrangement fees are extremely competitive and you can choose to call us to discuss your shipment or commence the clearance process online right now.

For frequent importers of commercial shipments we can tailor customs clearance services and a fee structure to meet the cargo volumes you have and your budget or alternatively you can use our online customs clearance process.

Depth’s tariff consultants can provide technical advice relating to any matters concerning:

  • Customs entry compilation and lodgement
  • Quarantine clearance
  • Cargo inspections
  • Duty drawbacks
  • Duty and GST refunds
  • GST deferral
  • Landed costings


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